
Privacy Policy & GDPR Compliance Statement

At 10x Media GmbH, we prioritize the privacy of our users. This statement outlines our practices regarding data collection and usage for our LanguageLoL app and our website.

Data Collection and Usage for LanguageLoL App

We affirm that the LanguageLoL app does not collect, store, or process any personal data of its users. We have designed our application to be fully functional without requiring any personal information from our users, thereby ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Website Data Practices

While our LanguageLoL app does not collect personal data, our website may collect standard server logs that are typical of most internet services. These logs are purely for operational purposes and do not contain any personal identifiers. The logs are used to ensure the proper technical functioning of our website and to address any issues that may arise, in compliance with GDPR regulations.

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

As a user of the LanguageLoL app and visitor to our website, you can be assured that your privacy is safeguarded. Our no personal data collection policy means there is no risk of misuse, sale, or compromise of your personal information.

Contact Us

Should you have any inquiries about our privacy practices or need further information on our GDPR Compliance Statement, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@10xmedia.de.

This policy is effective as of December 28, 2023.